Monday, 28 September 2015

Role Of a Vibrating Wire Peizometer In Projects

Vibrating wire piezometer is a highly useful device designed to measure soil pore pressure. The device has a vibrating transducer and signal cable driven by wire pressure. It is used by either installing it in a borehole or embedding in a fill or suspending in a standpipe. A portable readout provides the readings which are very accurate and error-free when done rightly. A data logger can also be used for the purpose.
The instrument responds amazingly well to changes in pore pressure and can be used in all typed of soils. The measurement is obtained in terms of frequency and hence can be sent over long cable lengths automatically. To ensure that the instrument works efficiently and in an error-free manner, it must be sheltered from electrical transients.
Vibratingwire piezometer is generally used in the following applications:
·         Determining safe rates of fill or excavation
·         To find out slope stability
·         To know the effects of dewatering systems used in excavations
·         In earth-fill dams and embankments to track performance
·         To check containment systems at landfills and tailings dams.
 Installing the vibrating wire piezometer is easy and can be done quickly. Three methods are commonly used:
·         Grout-in method
·         Sand filter method
·         Push-in method

The vibrating wire piezometer works by converting water pressure to a frequency signal through a diaphragm. 


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